What would you say if I told you that you were heir to a million dollars?
Would your response be, "So what, who cares!" If I tried to give an
envelope full of your family history all the way back to Noah would you say,
"That is not important.", and throw it away? That does sound ridiculous
doesn't it? Naturally you would gladly accept the inheritance and treasure
the envelope. Yet many people today do just what I described above when
they hear what this article is all about. It may take a little time to
figure out all of the details, but to those who seek a treasure can be found.
Here are some additional reasons that make the following information important.
With out the following truth the New Testament can not be fully interpreted correctly.
This truth helps you understand who the books of the New Testament are written to.
This truth will help you understand Romans chapters 8 through 11 and many other passages.
With out this truth most Old Testament prophesies can not be interpreted accurately.
With out the following truth our fight against sin is nearly in vain.
With out this truth fewer people will be led to our saviour.
Our future depends on the following truth. Hosea 4:6 "My people are destroyed for
lack of knowledge."
One final comment before you link to the article. There are many people who espouse portions of
this truth who add several things to it that are just plain false. Many people associate those
of us, who believe this simple truth, with those fringe elements who add many unethical,
"unchristian", unbiblical and heretical beliefs. Please read the article with out
preconceived ideas. Please do not associate it with things you may have already heard.
Christianity has enemies who are trying to destroy it. This truth also has enemies who,
by trying to associate normal Christians with those fringe elements, are trying to destroy it.