Most examples of casting lots are in the old scriptures. All the land of Israel was divided among the tribes by the casting of lots. When David inquired of Yahweh he is known to have, at least sometimes, used the lot through the urim and thummim. The solders who divided Christ clothing cast lots for it. Even the apostles used the casting of lots to see who would replace Judas as one of the twelve.
I have two friends who have cast lots. One has done it quite frequently. I have only done it a couple of times. The method used was to throw one coin to the ground twice having decided which side is yes and no. I have just taken the common heads are yes and tails no. I figured twice gives the opportunity to receive an answer of yes or no or no answer at all. One can ask a poorly worded question that might not really answer your inquiry. This is why this needs to be very carefully thought out.
The key is to pray and be very thoughtful of the proper form to ask the question. I would advise writing it down as I have tended to forget the exact wording used although I remember the outcome. I say this because sometimes after two throws one might get a mixed answer. I take this as a no answer given because of a poorly worded question, but we must give God the option to not answer for what ever reason.
Search types I used were lot*, by lot*, cast* lot* and the lot*. Of course one would do well to remove the name of "Lot" by using a case sensitive search.