Oracles of Yah
"Could you be an Israelite?"
"Here's a paradox, a paradox, a most ingenious paradox: an anthropological fact, many Christians (Europeans) may have much more Hebrew-Israelite blood in their veins than most of their Jewish neighbors.", What Price Israel? p223, 1953, Alfred M. Lilienthal.
"..I have compiled the historical evidence which indicates that the bulk of Eastern Jewry - and hence world Jewry - is of Khazar-Turkish, rather than Semitic origin." The Thirteenth Tribe, Race and Myth, p199, 1976, Arthur Koestler.
"...wherefore there are but two tribes in Asia and Europe subject to the Romans, while the Ten Tribes are beyond the Euphrates till now, and are an immense multitude, and not to be estimated by numbers." Flavius Josephus, historian and contemporary of the Apostle Peter.
This page could be nothing more than quotes from modern Jewish and non-Jewish sources many of them rather notable. However to make this brief the truth is the modern day Jews descend from Japheth through his grandson Ashkenaz the first born of Gomer. More information from their King Joseph tells of their connection to Togarmah, another grandson of Japheth, and also their connection to Gog and Magog.
Most North European Anglo-Saxons, Germanic, Scandinavian and kindred peoples descend from Shem. Through translation errors made back in 1850 we now know that records recovered from the Assyrian library described the escape of the ten Northern tribes of Israel along with a substantial portion of Judah and Benjamin mostly to Europe. This was just one of many sources, but substantial in that an enemy of those Israelite tribes described their escape. Add to this many sources of archeology scattered across Europe and the path that Israel took as they left their captivity.
This truth is made more secure when one considers all of the prophecies that would not have been fulfilled if the modern day Jews were truly Israel. There are many old testament prophecies that are shown to have been fulfilled in Israel in the new testament. Gentile is a Latin word that carries the connotation of kinship. So rather than meaning non-Jew, Gentile refers to a people that are related to Jacob Israel.
The truth you find will be determined by your desire to learn. What follows is a list of sources that you can use to find this truth.
Several helpful books can be found here.
Jew and Non-Jew Israelites found here.
The simple story of who is Israel today.
A very incomplete list of the Marks of Israel.
Oracles of Yah Articles
The Law of YHVH
Yahweh's Perfect Law
Is God's Law Still in Effect, Part 1
Is God's Law Still in Effect, Part 2
Romans 10:4: The End of the Law
Grace vs Law
Was All of God's Law nailed to the Cross?
The Law of Yahweh before Moses
Why do we Forget the Commandment that begins with "Remember"?
There Remains a Sabbath for the People of God
Will God Save this Country?
The Ten Commandments
The Covenants
What is the New Covenant?
Marriage, Divorce, Adultery and Putting Away
Can One Divorce and Why?
Can the Divorced Marry Again?
Elders, Deacons and "One Wife"
What the Bible says on divorce and Putting Away.
A very brief look at Adultery
Matthew 19 on Divorce
Mark 10 on Divorce
Words Mean Things
Non-scriptural Marriage
Marital Adulteration
The Rest of Adulteration
What is Fornication?
Did Abraham Really Marry His Sister?
God got a Divorce!
Romans 1:26-27.
Sodomy and Gay Marriage.
Other Laws and Precepts
Unclean Food?
Clean or Unclean Food?
Tithes and Offerings
The Importance of Israel
Chosen People
The Exclusivity of Israel
What do you think this collection of Bible verses is about?
Who are the Gentiles of Romans 2 and 9?
The Law of God Written on the Hearts of Israel
Yahweh's People. A Very Important Truth to Discover!
The Lost Sheep of the house of Israel.
Some Marks of Physical Israel
Phrase study "Among the Gentiles"
Who are the Players today?
Christ taught a parable on who can be saved.
What does Romans 9 really teach?
Romans 9:24.
The Other Sheep Fold of John 10
Who are the Sons of God?
I was amazed that the Bible made this distinction!
What is a Cake Not Turned?
Bloods With Bloods
Who Is God?
Becoming a Christian - Are you sure you are one?
The Sacred Name of our God
Lucifer or Shinning One?
John 3:16 Rewritten
What is the Lake of Fire?
Why will there be a New Earth?
What Happens When You Die?
God's enduring mercy.
Who did Seth Marry?
Is this an End of the Age Prophecy?
Pride Comes Before Destruction
Translator Bias
Children Involuntarily Leaving Home
New Moon or New Month?
Blindness in Part
Let It Speak
Let Scripture Speak about the Jews
Let Scripture Speak about Adoption
What about the Book of Jasher?
The Casting of Lots
Helping the antichrist.
What did Yahshua look like?
"Jew" amd "Gentile" in Scripture?
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